
Ladies and gentlemen, rock enthusiasts, and music aficionados, get ready to embark on a journey through the electrifying realms of rock history! Tonight, we present a groundbreaking rock music show that aims to settle the age-old debate that has fueled passionate discussions in every corner of the music world: Which decade truly reigns supreme when it comes to delivering the ultimate rock experience - the dynamic 80s or the rebellious 90s?

Prepare yourselves for a sonic clash of titans as we delve into the iconic sounds that defined these two monumental decades. From the flamboyant hair and anthemic power chords of the 80s to the gritty, alternative vibes of the 90s, this show will explore the evolution of rock music that left an indelible mark on generations.

Join us as we celebrate the larger-than-life personalities, groundbreaking albums, and unforgettable moments that shaped the very fabric of rock history. It's time to crank up the volume, let loose, and settle the score once and for all: Are you Team 80s or Team 90s? The stage is set, the amps are buzzing, and the music is about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through the ages. Welcome to the ultimate showdown of rock's greatest decades!

Check out a preview of the action!




DOORS @ 7:00pm


$15 General Admission

$5 upcharge at door


General Admission seating = First Come/First Served




Free street parking available

Free parking also available in surrounding lots

Food & Bar specials provided by Abbey Burger Bistro

Proud partner of Luna's House Animal Care & Education:

RECOMMENDED AUDIENCE AGE: 21+ Guests under 18 must be supervised by a parent or adult guardian at all times.

State Theater Havre de Grace

325 St. John Street, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
May 18, 2024
7:00 PM EDT